Due to COVID-19 and quarantine, many people were able to save a lot of money on travel and other expenses. However, many other costly activities depleted our savings (such as the countless hours spent online shopping). As summer approaches, chances are your spending will increase due to extra utility bills, upcoming vacations, or other summer activities.
That’s why we wanted to give you 10 money-saving tips that will guarantee that you save a lot during the summer, while not missing out on any fun.
So, without further ado, let’s begin!
10 Money-Saving Tips For Summer
- Buy Your Groceries In Bulk
This is one of the most useful tips that you can follow during the summer. Many people tend to just buy what they need at the moment and head home. However, buying your groceries this way dramatically increases your spending.
That’s why it’s always better to buy your groceries in bulk. Simply make a list of the things you’ll need for the next week or month. Then, head over to the store and buy in bulk. Buying bulk quantities is cheaper, and this will save you gas money since you won’t have to go to the store as much!
- Use Your Bike For Your Daily Errands
Buying groceries is just one errand among many. There are many tasks that you will have to perform daily such as visiting your office, going out to eat, or going out to buy other essential stuff. Simply using your bike to go to places can save you a lot of money on gas, and it’s also more environmentally friendly.
Even though it tends to get hot in the summer, you can get a lot of vitamin D while out in the sun. Biking is also a great way to get your daily exercise in. Just ensure that you are wearing your helmet and other safety equipment!
- Start Gardening
There are so many amazing benefits of gardening, such as saving money! A nice garden is pleasant to the eyes, but you can also grow fresh fruits and vegetables during the summer season. You can grow many vegetables such as cucumbers, beans, squashes, tomatoes, and peppers in the summer. So, you won’t need to splurge on crazy grocery store prices that tend to run high in the summer!
To save money through gardening, all you have to do is to make small investments in the seeds and plants that you want to grow. And of course, you will have to give a lot of care to your garden. But in the end, it will be worth it.
- Turn Off Your Air Conditioner
Many people end up spending a significant amount of money in the summer on their utility bills when they can easily save all of that. Now, this doesn’t mean that you will have to sit in the heat this summer. Instead, you just have to know when to use your air conditioner and when not to. There will be some instances when you will have to use your air conditioner, but it doesn’t have to be on 24/7.
For instance, if the temperature at night is cooler, you can just leave your window open before you sleep. You can also maximize the cooling effect by installing exhaust fans in your home. Having a good ventilation system will eliminate the need for an air conditioner in many cases and will help you get a good sleep.
- Spend Time Outside
Summertime is a good opportunity to spend time outdoors. Spending some time outside is one of the best ways to save your money on those pesky utility bills during summer. You can get some much-needed fresh air when you are outside playing a sport or just walking around your neighborhood.
If the area you live in tends to get really hot, you can wake up early in the morning to enjoy some time outdoors. Temperatures are usually cool earlier in the day, and there’s a lot you can do at this time! Whether it’s hiking, running, swimming, barbequing, camping, or walking your dog, it’s always good to spend time outside in summer.
- Cook Outdoors
Another way to save money is to take your cooking outside. When you cook in the summers, heat tends to build up in your home and has nowhere to go to especially when you have a poor ventilation system. This can make your house warmer and cause your energy bills to rise.
That’s why you should take your stove or grill outside when you want to cook. This will not only save you a lot of money on utility bills, but it will also be more fun to cook outside.
- Clean Your AC filters
Many people tend to overlook this important money-saving strategy. To put it simply, maintenance is essential if you want to save costs on repairs or replacements. A dirty air conditioner filter increases your cooling costs, restricts airflow, and undermines the efficiency of your air conditioner. A dirty air conditioner filter means a higher run time and thus a higher utility bill.
So, you should take the time to clean dirty air conditioner filters. Filters are also cheaply available in the market, and you can replace them if you want.
- Block The Heat Source
Another simple strategy to save money and improve your summer experience is to block heat sources. This will save your money on utility bills and will reduce the sweltering heat in your home.
Close all the curtains or buy sunshades for your windows. Also, ensure that you are blocking all the other heat sources, such as glass panels, on your door.
- Air Dry Your Clothes
One of the benefits of summer is that you don’t have to use your dryer to dry your laundry. This can save you a lot in terms of energy costs!
Simply start hanging your laundry outside with the help of a clothesline. The sun’s scorching heat will do the rest for you. This will not only dry your clothes but will also kill bacteria.
- Opt For A Staycation
One of the best ways to save money this summer is by going for a staycation instead of a usual vacation. Even if you normally don’t find your area particularly interesting, it may still have a lot to offer if you look around.
Make a list of some popular destinations nearby and give them a visit. This could include zoos, museums, parks, or camping sites in your area. This summer will be a great opportunity for you to explore your area while also saving travel costs.
Summer is one of the best times of the year but also one of the most expensive. However, if you follow these tips and tricks, you can save a lot of cash this summer and make this season truly enjoyable for you and your family.