The summer months will soon be upon us, and now is the time to start saving for your summer activities. Whether you’re planning to take a luxurious vacation or just want to spend extra time with the family, the following tips will help you save your money to have your best summer ever. Read on to learn what you should start implementing today.
Trim Your Budget
If you haven’t started already, now is the perfect time to get a budget in place and stick to it. While creating a budget can feel overwhelming, it’s significantly easier when you look at it as a financial check-up. Look for ways you can save, including cutting back on carry-out, skipping trips to the movies or getting rid of those streaming services you’re no longer using. These small cuts will save you hundreds of dollars before summer begins.
Start a Vacation Account
One of the prime things people look forward to during the summer is going on vacation. With the average American spending north of a thousand dollars on their seasonal trip, there is a possibility of going into debt to have a fun time. To avoid this common pitfall, it’s integral to save money for your vacation, and one of the best ways to do this is by opening an account strictly for vacation funds. A savings account will also increase in value thanks to favorable interest rates, allowing you to gain even more money for your trip.
Sell Extra Stuff
One of the benefits of spring cleaning is finding all those extra things you don’t need. However, just because you don’t need them doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t. To start raising money for summer, consider hosting a garage sale to get rid of all those knick-knacks, extra clothing and odds-and-ends. Not only will you earn some extra cash, but you’ll also be rehoming things that someone else could really use.
Check Appliances
How are your appliances holding up? During the winter months, you likely weren’t letting your AC unit blare, but problems may have set in that season. There’s nothing worse than turning on your unit for the first time only to discover it’s not working, or have it quit working on the hottest day of the year. Luckily, a certified AC specialist will be able to make sure your system will work properly. Your AC system isn’t the only thing you should examine either. Now is the perfect time to look at installing energy-efficient appliances as well as making small decisions like washing clothes in cold water to save money on your energy bills.
Book Your Vacation Now
You’re excited to take the kids on vacation this year as soon as school ends, and now is the perfect time to book those summer plans. Many hotels and attractions will offer early-bird discounts on their services, allowing you to save hundreds of dollars. The best part? Many prices are simply lock-in, meaning you won’t have to pay until you reach your destination, allowing you to spend your vacation fund.
Pay Down Debt
While not the most fun item on our list, paying down debt should be a top concern. Look at lowering your credit card bills and catching up on late items when you can to ensure you go into the summer either debt-free or with a significant reduction in your bills. Your bank account will thank you.
Shop Smarter and Coupon
One of the best things about Spring and Summer are all the fresh produce that comes in season. From apples to zucchini, you’ll find that a plethora of produce is now available to you. Take this as your sign to shop smarter, focusing on products that are in season to significantly lower your grocery bill. Consider couponing to save on essentials like hygiene products. By shopping sales and couponing, you can save hundreds of dollars a month. Finally, remember that many businesses will offer spring sales, so now is the perfect time to buy bigger ticket items you’ll utilize this summer.
Turn Off the Heater
Depending on where you are in the world, you may be experiencing some wonderful weather right now, even if for just a few hours a day. Take the time to turn off your heater and open up your windows to allow fresh air to flow in your home while keeping yourself at a comfortable temperature.
Look for Free Events
Does your town offer a Spring Festival? A collection of local musicians? As the weather warms up, more and more areas will be offering free events for families to attend. From fairs to park concerts, your town likely has an assortment of free or very low-cost events that you can spend a few hours at on the weekends. These events are an excellent option for those looking to have some fun without breaking the bank before their vacation.
Get Outside for Exercise
If the gym doesn’t motivate you, consider moving your workouts outside. Many people find outdoor exercise invigorating as well as worry-free. You’ll be getting your daily dose of vitamin D while also burning calories for swimsuit season. Furthermore, look to see if your neighborhood has a walking or hiking group so you can talk to your neighbors while getting fit.
Save Your Tax Refund
One thing most people look forward to is their annual tax refund, and it can help make your vacation the best yet. Take the time to save as much as your refund as you can to make the most of your trip. While it can feel like that money is burning a hole in your pocket, it can go far if you save it for a specific event.
Saving for your summer doesn’t have to be a painful process. Whether you create a vacation account to save money for your dream trip, shop seasonally to get the best grocery bills or attend your city’s free events, you can save plenty of money this year while also having the best summer possible.