May Flowers (Thank you April Showers!)

Everyone knows the saying, “April showers bring May flowers”. But, not everyone knows exactly what flowers those showers actually bring. In this article, we will highlight some of the best “May” flowers to plant/grow in your own home garden this spring and summer!


  • Sunflowers are very popular. They add a cheerful note to any landscape. When planted in mid-May, they will be fully sprouted by the end of August! These flowers are extremely easy to grow, and under the right conditions they can grow to be as tall as 4 to 5 feet!


  • Marigold is one of if not the most poplar flower to grow in home or commercial gardens across the United States. Depending on the variety, they can grow to be anywhere between 8 to 36 inches tall. They are most commonly grown in May. Marigolds are often used as ways to get unwanted pests away from fruits and vegetables that may be in your garden.


  • Cosmos are commonly planted in May because the temperature across the United States is very sustainable for growing. They are very low maintenance and fit in to almost any landscape. They will grow to be between 2 and 3 feet tall and about 1 foot wide. These are great flowers!

What to do in April

April can be one of the most fun months of the year. There are so many fun activities to do, exciting things to cook and cool places to go as the season changes to Spring. In this article we will give you some great suggestions on how to stay busy in April!

Outdoors Exercise: In some places, the weather is finally going to be nice. The temperatures are starting to rise, and what’s better than being able to go outside and exercise! Some of the best workouts can be enjoyable as well. Hop on your bike and go for a nice long bike ride, or go for a jog through a trail or park!

Picnics: Much like exercising, you may not have been able to go for a picnic for a few months. Well, now you can. Make yourself a couple of sandwiches, grab a picnic basket and head out to your local park that has picnic benches. This is a unique twist on “going out for lunch”.

Cook: There are some great recipes out there for April/Spring time. Pasta Primavera is a healthy spaghetti dish full of broad beans, leeks and asparaguas tips. Make the most of spring greens with this amazing recipe (

            A full list of Spring recipes here:

Spring Cleaning: Spring cleaning is an old cliché, but it can actually be really helpful! This is a great time to clear any remaining leaves, tidy up the inside of the house, mow the lawn or even something as simple as changing the lightbulbs. Spring cleaning can be made even better if you have a great music playlist to listen to!

Gardening: Maybe you’ve always wanted to start gardening? Well April is the perfect time to do that. Spinach, lettuce and turnips are all great vegetables to plant in April. Here are 12 essential gardening tips from

As you can see, there are a lot of fun and exciting things to do in April. If none of these are what you’re looking for, maybe something as simple as going for a morning walk will bring you the Spring excitement that you need!